Projections, debate, and exhibition will take place in Divadlo 29 in Pardubice.
Antropofest z.s. společně s Katedrou sociální a kulturní antropologie Fakulty filozofické Univerzity Pardubice věnuje festivalový ročník 2020 festivalové retrospektivě, která proběhne v Pardubicích v termínu 3. a 4. března 2020 v Divadle 29.
Nabídneme vám přehlídku nejzajímavějších titulů z minulých ročníků a také nejnovější tvorbu studentů vizuální antropologie v České republice. Součástí festivalu bude i diskuzní fórum k vývoji a současnému stavu oboru v České republice a na Slovensku.
Vážení a milí fanoušci antropologického filmu,
spolek Antropofest společně s Katedrou sociální a kulturní antropologie Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Pardubice věnuje festivalový ročník 2020 festivalové retrospektivě, která proběhne 3. a 4. března 2020. Nabídneme vám přehlídku nejzajímavějších titulů z minulých ročníků a také nejnovější tvorbu studentů vizuální antropologie v České republice. Součástí festivalu bude i diskuzní fórum k vývoji a současnému stavu oboru v České republice a na Slovensku.
Letošní CALL FOR FILMS se výjimečně vztahuje pouze na studentské snímky, které vznikly na českých katedrách vyučujících antropologii.
Své filmy můžete přihlašovat pouze přes email [email protected] (přihlašování přes web je zablokováno).
Těšíme se na vaše filmy, Antropofest tým
10:00 | Legal Alien |
11:30 | Shooting Freetown |
12:00 | Break |
13:00 | We Must be Dreaming |
14:00 | Hip Hop, My Release |
14:30 | Tmel |
14:50 | Peregrino |
15:00 | Touha žít |
15:30 | Break |
16:00 | Zahájení výstavy Michala Pavláska Nikde může být ostrov |
16:30 | Masa |
17:30 | In the Devil's Garden |
18:30 | Nekopejte do nás, ještě nejsme mrtví |
19:30 | Break |
20:00 | Lakros - to je způsob života |
10:00 | Turistou ve vlastním domě |
10:40 | Zatopené |
12:00 | Break |
13:00 | Reflexe stavu vizuální antropologie v ČR a SR |
15:00 | Remake of a Summer |
16:45 | Break |
17:00 | Kultura daru |
17:45 | Unity: Dress-scape of Accra |
18:30 | Break |
19:00 | The Land of Love |
20:30 | Archipelago |
Slovensko, 2016, 50 min
Soňa Lutherová
04.03.2020 10:40
Zatopené (Flooded) is an anthropological documentary film about a building and the fates connected to it. The mansion in Parizovce was a family residence, home, property, center of a farmstead and eventually a historical monument. Some parts of the building have been preserved and have endured through centuries, others have been flooded by the waters of the Liptovska Mara waterworks. For the descendants of the Stein family, its last owners, the mansion is a memory of a lost past. For museum curators it's a gem, a phoenix risen from the muddy waters, the pride of the Liptov region. An unusual story of the mansion from Parizovce and its last owners, that is also a reflection of the social changes in 20th century Slovakia.
Soňa G. Lutherová is a social and visual anthropologist. As a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, she examines the changing identities of people in post-socialism, especially in relation to their material environment. She has lectured, researched and studied at universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Sweden and Austria. She is a co-author of several short documentary films and an author of visual art projects. Flooded is her screenwriting and directorial debut.
Director: Soňa G. Lutherová
Production: Barbara Harumová Hessová
Camera: Denisa Buranová
Edit: Peter Harum
Language of Dialogues: Slovak
Language of Subtitles: English
Alžírsko, Švýcarsko, 2018, 25 min
Pavel Borecký
03.03.2020 17:30
The film situates the viewer within the makeshift space of an animal market in Algeria. Drifting between feeding and waiting, one attunes to the bodies of goats and camels, the oldest companions of Arab men. As we move deeper into the desert, the site turns into a sacrifice zone and reveals its dark geopolitical secrets. The sensory ethnography film will invite you to question the banality of displacement, confinement and exploitation in an out-of-sight territory.
Pavel Borecký is a social anthropologist, non-fiction filmmaker and social innovator. He co-founded an award-winning research organization "Anthropictures", carried out diverse projects in Serbia, Peru, Estonia and Czech Republic, and produced several ethnographic films. Being based at University of Bern, he currently investigates tactics of managing water scarcity in Jordan and works on a new film, book and sound installation.
Director, camera, edit: Pavel Borecký
Production: Institut of Social Anthropology, University of Bern
Script: Pavel Borecký, Franziska Voigt
Language of dialogues: Arabic
Language of subtitles: English, Czech
Česká republika, 2014, 63 min
L.Šavelková, T.Petráň, M.Durňak
03.03.2020 20:00
The film is about the lacrosse, and its importance for the Haudenosaunee people (represented by the Iroquois Nationals), and for the Czech people (represented by the lacrosse organisations, scouts, and woodcrafters). In 2011, the World Indoor Lacrosse Championship was held in Prague, the Czech Republic. It was the first time when the Iroquois National lacrosse men’s team visited the Czech Republic, using their Haudenosaunee passports.
However, the film is not focused only on reporting of the Championship agenda. Furthermore, it highlights the essential spiritual, political and sport aspects of the lacrosse for the Haudenosaunne and Czech communities. It also explains the formation of this originally Native American game in the Central Europe, including the hint of political issues in the formercommunist Czechoslovakia.
Directors: L.Šavelková, T. Petráň, M. Durňak
Production Cinepoint
Camera: T.Petráň, M.Durňak, V. Barák, P.Řezáč, P. Záruba
Script: L.Šavelková
Edit: T.Petráň, M.Durňak
Language of dialogues: Czech, English
Langue of subtitles: Czech, English
Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]