
Bio Oko

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Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


09 05

We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest in Brno. It starts at Monday 11th May from 5pm in Cafe Falk, Gorkeho street.  You can watch Common Roads, Ulice spojuje a Lakros - after this movie will be discusion with authors. 

29 04

Echoes of Antropofest in Pardubice are today. It starts at 7pm in Klub 29. You can watch Ulice spojuje (discussion with director will be follow after movie), Orchard Keepers and Honey.

31 01

We apologize, but the screening of Bertsolari movie is cancelled.

22 01

Workshops "Lakros - Ways of seeing" a "Common Roads - reaserch and production context"and projection of movie Bertsolari will be in Café Jedna in National Gallery, Dukelských hrdinnů 530/47, Praha 7.

16 01

We are pleasured that we can welcome to Antropofest 2015 these guests: Livia Šavelková and Milan Durňak (Lacrosse), Lana Askari (Haraka Baraka), Tommi Mendel (Common Roads), Adélu Košařová (Odpad na talíři), Anna Dvořáková (Ulice spojuje), MIchal Pavlásek (Druhé Vojvodovo), Frode Storaas (The Go-Between), Christine M. Janney (Living Quechua) and Libor Dušek - author of the exhibition.



20:00 Opening Ceremony


20:05 Lakros - to je způsob života


18:00 Výstava "Trojí tvář Váchánu"
19:00 Growing Soul - My daughter´s Ritual Journey
19:30 The Orchard Keepers
20:00 Haraka Baraka
20:30 Discussion and Break
21:00 Common Roads - Pilgrimage and Backpacking in the 21st Century
22:30 Discussion


14:00 Lakros – způsoby pohledu, Café Jedna
15:00 Common Roads - reaserch and production context, Café Jedna
17:15 Odpad na talíři
17:30 Ulice spojuje
17:35 Discussion and Break
17:50 What Life is like here
18:20 Druhé Vojvodovo: myslet obrazem
18:50 Discussion and Break
19:15 Afluentes
19:40 Living Quechua
20:00 Discussion and Break
20:30 The Go-Between - Afar of Ethiopia
21:05 Break
21:25 The Puppet´s Cemetery
21:40 Honey
22:20 Closing ceremony


14:00 Bertsolari



Norsko, 2014, 37 min
F. Storaas, R. Scott, G. Kassa
31.01.2015 20:30

A woman is reported killed - another case for Hussein.The Islamic pastoral Afars inhabit the north eastern rangelands of Ethiopia. Some have settled in towns and trade centres where also the Ethiopian government is present with the police and other government officials. Many Afars have a foot in both sectors, having a home in town while maintaining close contact with their nomadic relatives. Hussein Hayie has a government position as Peace and Security officer. His work is to judge whether an incident should be handled as a criminal case for the police or be left as a case to be solved the traditional way by the elders of the clans. The Afar political organization is based on both territory and kinship. The political institutions are geared towards social control and the resolution of conflicts. The tribal leaders are often called upon to intervene before a small matter escalates to homicide and if homicide occurs, to work out agreements of compensation in order to avoid blood-feuds. The film follows Hussein Hayie in town and when he visits his families in the nomadic camps. As a government employee he is continuously on duty and in the film we see how he is called to act.

Directors: Frode Storaas, Rolf Scott, Getachew Kassa
Production: Universiy Museum of Bergen, Norway

Language of dialogues: Afar, Amharic
Language of subtitles: English, Czech

Frode Storaas, professor, University Museum of Bergen, Norway
Rolf Scott, PhD-candidate, University of Bergen, Norway
Getachew Kassa, Associate professor, Addis Ababa University

Festivals (selection):
GIEFF in Gottingen, Germany
EASA in Tallllin, Estonia
NAFA in Island
AAA in Washington DC, USA
Ethnographic Cinema, Moscow


Švýcarsko, 2013, 95 min
T. Mendel
30.01.2015 21:00

Whereas the label of «pilgrim» is still mostly associated with devout persons leaving home for purely religious motives, young people taking to the road as «backpackers» are generally perceived as pleasure seeking globetrotters. Questioning these stereotypes, anthropologist and filmmaker Tommi Mendel followed one young woman along the Way of St. James through France and Spain and another one along backpacking-routes through Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Documenting their experiences and encounters over a period of three years, this film reveals intriguing parallels on various levels between what at first glance appear as two different ways of travelling. Common Roads is Tommi Mendel’s PhD-thesis accepted by the University of Zurich. It was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Director, camera, script, edit: Tommi Mendel
Production: Tigertoda productions

Language of dialogues: Swiss, German, English, Spanish, French
Language of dialogues: English, Czech

Tommi was born 1970 in Lucerne, Switzerland. He studied Social and Cultural Anthropology, Religious Studies and History at the University of Zurich with the focus on Visual Anthropology.
His MA-thesis is the ethnographic documentary film Arukihenro- walking pilgrims(2006), his PhD-thesis the ethnographic documentary filmCommon Roads (2013).
His ethnographic documentary Bunong´s Birth Practices between Tradition and Change (2010) won several prizes at international film festivals and was also screened at Antropofest in 2011
Tommi is a board member of the Audio-visual Commission of the Swiss Ethnological Society and an independent filmmaker.

Festivals (selection):
International Anthropological Filmfestival Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ethnographic Filmfestival Kratovo, Macedonia
Intimate Lens - Festival of Visual Anthropology, Caserta, Italy
Days of Ethnographic Film, Ljublana, Slovenia
NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival, Isafjordur, Island
European Association of Social Anthropologists, Conference and Festival, Tallin, Estonia


Česká republika, 2014, 12 min
R. Mezníková, A.Košařová, K. Procházková
31.01.2015 17:15

The movie is about an activity called dumpster diving which is picking food or other objects from dumpsters. The protagonists of the movie are Vojta and Milan who disagree with the excessive waste of food. The authors are discovering the world of dumpster diving and gradually experience the transformation of food from trash into an edible dish.


Directors: R. Mezníková, A.Košařová, K. Procházková
Production: Studio vizuální etnografie, Katedra antropologie FF ZČU
Camera: Adéla Košařová
Script: Radka Mezníková
Edit: Šimon Špidla

Language of dialogues: Czech
Language of subtitles: none

Filmmakers are students of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]