
Bio Ponrepo

Official web of Bio Ponrepo


Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


07 03

We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest in Nitra, Slovakia. Screening will take place on Tuesday 20th March, from 7.pm. in Fotogalérii Trafačka, Janka Kráľa 65. You can watch Hotel Splendid and 4000 miles to Happines.

05 03

We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest 2018 to Pardubice. Echoes take place on Monday 19th March from 2 p.m. in Klub 29 (Sv. Anežky České 29, Pardubice). You can watch these movies:  4000 mil ke štěstí, Obraz svého těla, Unity: Dress-scape of Accra, Grab and run, Ethnographic study of algorithms, We must be dreaming, Hotel Splendid, Land of Love. The Echoes are organized in cooperation with the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Art, University of Pardubice and the Klub 29.
We look forward to you!

18 01

Guests of Antropofest 2018 are Mauro Bucci (Hotel Splendid), Simon Luling (Borderline views), Liivo Niglas (The Land of Love), David B.J. Dhert (We Must be Dreaming), Jessica Bollag (I am not Leaving Eldon), Tomáš Pospíšil (Obraz svého těla), Dalibor Knapp (Ethnographic Study of Algorithms), Phillip Nosák, Jana Zychová, Petra Liprtová (all to 4000 mil ke štěstí), Milan Votypka ( the exhibition).

14 01

 Tickets are for 120czk (Friday), 180czk (Saturday) and 250czk (both days). You can buy tickets for the festival during the event on site. For this year, tickets will not be offered in advance. Thank you for your understanding.



15:00 165. Gellnerovský seminář
18:00 Vernisáž výstavy "Pomáháme lidem na útěku"
18:20 Opening ceremony
18:30 Hotel Splendid
20:00 Discussion with director
20:30 Borderline Views: A Golan Heights Documentary
21:00 Discussion with director
21:30 Across Gender
22:00 Making a Living in the Dry Season
22:30 Unity: Dress-scape of Accra


13:00 Zatopené
13:50 Break
14:00 Grab and Run
15:25 Break
15:40 Obraz svého těla
15:55 4000 mil ke štěstí
16:30 Discussion with directors
17:00 The Land of Love
18:20 Discussion with director
18:50 I am not Leaving Eldon
19:40 Discussion with director
20:10 We Must be Dreaming
21:10 Discussion with director
21:40 Discussion with director (before the movie)
21:55 Ethnographic Study of Algorithms



Izrael, Sýrie, Francie, 2017, 28 min
Simon Luling
26.01.2018 20:30

Antropofest 2018 The film takes a look at the border between Israel and Syria, through the experience of the Druze community - living in the occupied Golan Heights, of Syrian identity yet in an Israeli reality, and subject to the whims of the region's geopolitics. In the Occupation's 50th year, and with the Syrian Civil War raging, questions arise on the Golan and its Druze community's identities.

Simon Luling
is a US American and German filmmaker, based in France. He has also lived in Canada, the Netherlands, the US, Ecuador and Israel, working primarily as a film/video editor and producer, and occasionally in academic research. Previous work includes Freeway: Crack in the System (documentary about the US drug epidemic and Nicaragua's Contra War), and award-winning South American comedy series, Enchufe.tv. His interest in politics and world cultures (namely in the context of state and nation-building) led him to spend time in the Golan Heights, befriending people in the Druze villages, out of which the film Borderline Views was born.

Director, Camera, Production, Script, Edit: Simon Luling

Language of Dialogues: English, Hebrew, Arabic
Language of Subtitles: Czech, English

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/229465806


Estonsko, 2016, 78 min
Liivo Niglas
27.01.2018 17:00

Antropofest 2018 "The Land of Love" is a documentary film about reindeer, oil, politics and poetry. It tells a story about Yuri Vella, a Forest Nenets reindeer herder and poet who lives in the taiga of Western Siberia, and who tries to prove that one person can stand against the great power that is destroying the environment of the native people. Vella calls the "Land of Love" a piece of the forest tundra where each autumn his reindeer mate. The same area is a favoured hunting ground for employees of Lukoil, a company that pumps oil in the region. For many years already Yuri has tried to chase the Lukoil people away from the "Land of Love" because the noise of cars and rifle shots and the ruckus caused by boozing oil workers disturbs the mating of reindeer. Yuri uses several unusual resistance methods to chase the oil workers away, including filming the intruders and writing poems on the subject.

Liivo Niglas is currently a research fellow at the department of ethnology in University of Tartu, Estonia. He runs an independent production company, Mp Doc, for anthropological documentary films. He has made films in Siberia, Africa, Central Asia and North America. Some of his works are: The Brigade (2000), Yuri Vella's World (2003), Adventure High (2004), Making Rain (2007), Fish On! (2008), Itelmen Stories (2010), Journey to the Maggot Feeder (2015).

Director, Camera, Script, Edit: Liivo Niglas
Production: F-Seitse & MP DOC

Language of dialogues: Russian, Khanty, Forest Nenets, French
Langue of subtitles: Czech, English

Launching of the movie, awards:
The National Estonian Film and Television Award for the best documentary 2016; Annual Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment for the best documentary 2016; 1st Prize (Man and Nature), Matsalu Nature Film Festival, Estonia

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq6JYJysHWc


Švýcarsko, 2015, 49 min
Jessica Bollag
27.01.2018 18:50

Antropofest 2018 The state of Iowa is the largest producer of soy and corn in the U.S.. In the town of Eldon, Iowa, the multi-national corporations, Cargill and John Deere, are the most important job sources -mostly in the low income bracket. In the town there are hardly any public services. The houses are often placed between vast fields. Five young people talk about their daily lives in this rural area. Firing and outsourcing are real threats. Beside all this, the protagonists are labeled with negative stereotypes: white trash, rednecks and hillbillies. The five friends of Eldon are very close to each other. They often meet unannounced. Their houses and cars don't need to be locked. The protagonists describe the local changes of Eldon. Why stay despite bad job opportunities? How do they deal with their negative stereotypes? Why is freedom more important than a career? Creative solutions and a strong sense of community are essential in this rural region. An anthropological documentary about unlocked doors, fun and conflict in geographical isolation.

Jessica Bollag has recently completed her Master's degree in Social Anthropology, with a focus on Visual Anthropology at the University of Bern. She has been working at the Federal Office of Culture and as assisting teacher at the University of Bern. Currently she's working as a researcher at the University of Teacher Education in Bern. Her research interests are in the field of Anthropology of work, social class and ethnographic filmmaking.

Director, Production, Camera, Edit, Script: Jessica Bollag

Language of Dialogues: English
Language of Subtitles: Czech, English

Launching of the movie, awards (selection):
Society for Visual Anthropology Film & Media Festival, Minneapolis, U S A; Award for the Best Graduate Student Film - Festival of Visual Culture Viscult Joensuu, Finland;  Ethnografilm  Paris, France; Days of Ethnographic Film Ljubljana, Slovenia; International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec, Canada; University of British Columbia International Festival of Anthropology Film, Vancouver, Canada; Ethnographic Film Festival  Kratovo, Macedonia;  Ethnocineca International Documentary Filmfestival Vienna, Austria; Nomination Excellence in Visual Anthropology Award - International Student's Ethnographic Film Festival Zadar, Croatia.



Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]