
Kino Pilotů

Official web of Kino Pilotů


Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


02 05

Echoes of Antropofest arrive to Bratislava, Slovakia. You can watch Mass and Five Lives, all directors will be there. They will also debate about visual anthropology. Café Satori Stage, 6p.m.

27 03

"Echoes of Antropofest" continued in Pardubice, 4th April from 5pm. You will watch: Masa, Five lives, Problems of Elites, In the Rythm of the City and Sacred Water. Screening will take place at University of Pardubice, bulidinf EB, room E2.

18 03

We would like to invite you to ECHOS OF ANTROPOFEST TO NITRA, Slovakia.
Screenings will take place on 30th March from 5pm in Fotogaléria Trafačka during "Ethnological days" organised by Department of Ethnology and Folklore of University KF in Nitra, Slovakia.
You can watch these movies: British Born Chinese, Gurumbé and Between Islam and Sacred Forest.

02 03

Firts "Echos of Antropofest" will take place at Maňana Bar, Žižkovo nám 6, Jičín at 10th and 11th of March from 4pm in both days. We will screen this movies: A Report About Mina, Dust, Gurugu, Haying Time, Masa, Nobel Nok Dah, Pět Životů, Sacred Water, Tama Gaun - The Cooper Village.

25 01

Guests of Antropofest 2017 are: Michal Pavlásek and Ivo Bystřičan (Masa), Jaroslava Panáková (Pět životů), Marcel Romanutti (Problematika elit), Ondřej Raffel (V rytmu města), Frode Storaas (Tama Gaun), Evgeny Aleksandrov and Elena Danilko (Haing Time), Deepak Tolange, Christoph Siegel, Anisha Gosh (Dust). Let´s discuss with them about theirs movies!!


27.01.2017 : Sál A

18:30 Opening Ceremony
18:35 Bridge to Kobane
19:00 Gurugu
19:05 Masa
19:40 Discussion
20:20 A Report about Mina
21:25 Gurumbé. Afro-Andalusian Memories

27.01.2017 : Sál B

18:30 Opening Ceremony
18:35 Bridge to Kobane
19:10 Teteyotes. Stones Gods.
20:00 Nobel Nok Dah
20:35 Etnografie-film-dokument

28.01.2017 : Sál A

14:30 British Born Chinese
15:25 Extended family
16:00 Haying time
16:45 Discussion
17:25 Dust
18:20 Discussion
18:55 Tama Gaun - The Copper Village
20:25 Discussion
21:00 Sacred Water
21:55 Closing Ceremony

28.01.2017 : Sál B

14:30 V rytmu města
14:35 Problematika elit
14:50 Discussion
15:10 My Antropo Films
15:25 Etno-film: Mezi tradicí a experimentem
16:30 These Objects, Those Memories
17:00 Discussion
17:40 Between Islam and Sacred Forest
18:30 Discussion
19:15 Pět životů
20:20 Discussion
21:00 Sacred Water
21:55 Closing Ceremony



Česká republika, 2016, 12 min
M. Romanutti
28.01.2017 14:35

Antropofest 2017 The film captures the way in which students spend a typical free night. Within the film we tried to monitore groups of students of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia and the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia.
The film was made by four students who study at Faculty of Phylosophy at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The film was made within the course of audio-visual technology in anthropology.

Director: Marcel Romanutti
Production: Jan Jaňour
Camera: Michaela Fryčková
Script: Ilona Čapková
Edit: M. Romanutti, J. Jaňour

Language of Dialogues: Czech
Language of Subtitles: none


Irák, 2016, 22 min
L. Askari
27.01.2017 18:35

Antropofest 2017 Mihemed, a journalist from Kobane in Syrian Kurdistan, renegotiates his future plans while living as a refugee in Slemani, Iraqi Kurdistan. Following the changing future perspectives of Mihemed's story, Bridge to Kobane ties together issues of migration, borders and future horizons in times of crisis.

Lana Askari is a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology with Visual Media at the University of Manchester. Trained in Anthropology (MPhil Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge) and Documentary Filmmaking (MA Visual Anthropology, University of Manchester), she recently returned from her fieldwork in Slemani, Iraqi Kurdistan where she was a research affiliate at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani. Her research areas include ethnographic documentary film, diaspora and migration, and the anthropology of time, infrastructure and the state.

Director, Camera, Edit, Script, Production: Lana Askari

Language of Dialogues: Kurdish
Language of Subtitles: English, Czech


Česká republika, 2017, 32 min
M. Pavlásek, I. Bystřičan
27.01.2017 19:05

Antropofest 2017 The mass is a distillation of human evolution, a parable about the treatment of substance, an image of the control over bodies that are hanged on the world’s tissue, or else disgorged from the ocean mass onto dry land, which is interwoven with bodies and the movement of hunters, gatherers, and vagabonds. Our observation of the various forms of abstracted masses, which we become part of at the same time, creates a platform of eternal presence – an active void if you will, which revolves in a closed circle, as though it had neither beginning nor end. What is left is just the stark presence of the traces of bared lives.

Michal Pavlásek  is social anthropologist, university teacher, freelance journalist and documentarist, Turkish coffee lover, researcher at the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Co-founder of Anthropictures - flexible association of social scientists providing independent field research. In his research focuses on migration and multuculturalism. He is author of movies Searching for the Exit (2016), Another Vojvodovo: thinking in pictures (2013), Time Bows Beneath the Burden of the Grapes. The Past, Czechs and Germans in the Serbian Banat (2012).

Ivo Bystřičan
is documentary filmmaker, story-editor and screenwriter. He directed several feature documentary films like Copper Age (2010), My Last 150 000 Cigarettes (2013), Byeway (2014), Mr. Chytil´s Crime (2014), Middle Dusk (2015) and many others. He graduated from sociology at Masaryk University in Brno and documentary filmmaking at FAMU in Prague.

Director, Production, Script: M. Pavlásek, I. Bystřičan
Camera, Edit: I.Bystřičan

Language of Dialogues: English, Greek
Language of subtitles: Czech


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]