
Dobeška Theater Prague

Dobeška Theater on map
Official web of Dobeška Theater


Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!



18:00 Opening ceremony
18:10 Arranged Love
18:50 Wedding
19:10 Bunong Guu Oh/Bunong´s birth practices
20:15 Pink gang
21:40 Bárisej
22:40 Being a trans-person living in a two-gender society


14:00 Moje války/My Wars
14:40 České kořeny ve Švédsku/Czech roots in Sweden
16:10 Holuboje
16:50 Artzainak/Shepherds and sheep
17:20 Starik Petr/Old man Peter
17:55 Turistou ve vlastním domě/Being a Tourist at Home
18:55 Chokora - surviving on the street
20:05 Friends
21:00 After party in Dobeška



Czech Republic, 2009, 38 min
Jaroslava Bagdasarová
29.01.2011 17:55

In the far, far North, where the day begins and the oceans meet, a small hamlet New Chaplino is situated. The goverment decided to turn the village into a tourist resort. It is winter, 30 degrees Celsius below zero. The tourists are not coming. There are only few memories of them and the snow has already covered their footprints. The village people live in the cardoard houses. They are waiting for the tourists and dancing. It is only Vika, their country fellow, who is coming to visit her native village after she has spent few years in the city. Thus all villagers keep waiting for the tourists and dancing...

Director: Jaroslava Bagdasarova

The Director Jaroslava Bagdasarova was born in Martin, Slovakia. She graduated in social anthropology at St.Peterburg State University, Russia and in documentary cinema at FAMU, Prague, Czech republic. She is currently working at the research institute in Halle/Saale, Germany.

Production: Pavla Kubečková Company, FAMU Smetanovo náb.2, Praha 1, Czech Republic

Camera: Georgij Bagdasarov

Edit: Libor Alexa

Award: Tococu Lisabon 2010 - první cena

language of dialoques: Russain, Chukchi

Language of subtitles: Czech, English


Czech Republic, 2010, 25 min
Martin Šmoldas
29.01.2011 16:10

The compatriotic village of Holuboje was founded in the so called Bessarabia (part of today’s Moldavia) by Czech colonists in 1864. Holuboj compatriots managed to preserve aspects of their language and folk culture, often long forgotten in the Czech Republic, in the manifold national variety of this region. The most extraordinary of all is the folk band which has continuously functioned here for incredible 146 years and which has various Czech songs in its repertoire.

Despite these folk singularities, local people are afflicted with the same problems as all the people of the isolated and poor Moldavia. The decline in economics, disintegration of agricultural co-operatives and everyday existential problems endanger the existence of this folk band. The author of the film introduces four protagonists, inhabitants of Holuboj, who provide an insight into the past and present lives of compatriots in Moldavia.

Director, production, camera, edit: Martin Šmoldas

Martin is a student of Social Anthropology at the University of Pardubice. He is interests in the field in Moldova.

Language of dialogues: Czech

Language of subtitles: No subtitles



Belgium, 2011, 15 min
Petar Veljacic
28.01.2011 22:40

Culturally, we are all governed to live in and reproduce two-gender societies, taking a gender role „naturaly“ assigned by biological sex. Some discoveries disagree.

Director, Production, Camera, Edit: Petar Veljacic

Petar was born 1979 in Aleksinac, Yugoslavia. Graduated at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology on a topic History and perspectives of Visual Anthropology . His film education started in film school of Academy Film Center in Belgrade and further developed through various productions in the field of visual anthropology and observational filming. His video activist work begun in Brussels, where he is living and working since 2009.

Language of dialogues: English, French

Language of subtitles: English


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!

This project is realized with the financial support of the European Union. The content of this web page does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union.


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]