
Dobeška Theater Prague

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Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!



18:00 Opening Ceremony
18:10 Side effects: Portrait of a Young Artist in Lahore
18:45 After War, Before peace - In Searching of Democracy in central Afghanistan
19:25 Roya and Omid
19:40 Break
19:55 If Vagina Had a Teeth: The Shona Rainmaking Ceremony in Western Mozambique
20:55 Discussion and Break
21:15 Making it Big in Berlin
21:40 Discussion and Break
22:00 Feeling from Outside
22:20 Salaam Aleykum Copenhagen
22:40 Life of Roma women
22:50 Babica


14:00 Opening Ceremony
14:05 Fish On!
15:05 Dobre nám je v Petržalke bývať?
15:40 Break
15:50 Červená růžičko, proč se nezozvíjíš. Doudlebská masopustní koleda: tanec, identita, status a integrace
16:25 Goluboie
17:00 Gáj
17:40 Kde krev a pot, tam i slzy
18:00 Discussion and Break
18:25 Drugs and Prayers - Indian Psychiatry in the Realm of Saints
19:25 Discussion and Break
19:45 Life in Bubbles
20:35 Break
20:45 Gente de Fajãs
21:45 Discussion and Break
22:00 Closing Ceremony
22:05 The Future of Visual Anthropology



Česká republika, 2011, 50 min
Petra Ludvíková
27.01.2012 21:15

Desmond Love is a mature man and feels and behaves so. He likes to smoke his pipe and looks after his ducks. Men usually like talking about cars and Dessy´s favourite subject are his two shopping-trolleys. He parks them in front of his house nad likes to enhance them with various details. Desmond is one of the residents at Camphill Clanabogan, that means a person with mental handicap. In the scope of a therapy, he learns how to write on a computer. He writes his own story. This documentary amended with short cartoons let us glimp into Dessys´s memories – word after word, exactly as he remembered them. At the same time, we have got a chance to see Dessys´s home and everyday-life of Camphill community with its permanent inhabitants: mentally disabled people, young volunteers and people, who control and administrate the home.

Petra works as a Project manager of Palace Akropolis and also as a moderator of Radio 1. She organises culture events, foreign concerts, music workshops etc. In the past, she worked as e.g. editress of genre programmes on TV Óčko and in the production of annual film awards Český lev organised by a production company VAC. Love Story is her film debut which she made in cooperation with experienced cameramen Martin Čech, mister of sound Petr Stýbl and an editor Lucie Haladova. It Camphill Clanabogan, where the film takes place, at first she spent 3 months as a volunteer.

Director and production: Petra Ludvíková
Language of dialogies: English
Language of subtitles: Czech


Slovenia, 2008, 9 min
Martina Hudorovič
29.01.2010 22:50


Grandma talks about her life with granddauther Martina, while baking the bread.

Language of dialogues: Roma language and Serbian
Language of subtitles: English


Germany, 2006, 15 min
Martin Gruber
30.01.2010 22:05

the futureIn the summer of 2001 the IWF in Göttingen hosted the conference »Origins of Visual Anthropology – Putting the Past Together«. Important representatives of the field came together to discuss the history of the subdiscipline. Three students were equally interested in their visions about »The Future of Visual Anthropology«. They conducted brief interviews concerning this question with filmmakers and scholars such as Jean Rouch, Ian Dunlop, Paul Henley, Karl Heider, Howard Morphy, Peter Crawford, Harald Prins and Jay Ruby.

»The Future of Visual Anthrolopogy« presents the common themes that were touched upon during these conversations by juxtaposing different perspectives. The film is a reflection on how people talk and think about the future, present and past of Visual Antrhropology in 2001.

Language of dialogues: English, French
Language of subtitles: English


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]